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halloween 2020 at home, holding pumpkin

How to celebrate Halloween 2020 at home

In a couple of days, we’ll celebrate Halloween. Are your costumes ready? Halloween 2020 is extra special, we’ll be seeing a Blue Moon that falls on October 31st. We’re also living in a “social distancing” situation which makes us be more creative on how to celebrate Halloween 2020 at home. But before we enjoy trick-or-treating, let’s learn more about this fun tradition.

“Once in a Blue Moon”

This year’s Halloween will fall on a Blue Moon, this event rarely happens as the next Blue Moon will happen in 2039.  A Blue Moon is a second full moon that happens within a single calendar month. There are 29.5 days between full moons which makes it very unusual for 2 full moons to fit in a 30 or 31 days month. Another fun fact is that Blue Moons aren’t blue, they look just like the full moon we’re used to seeing. So why is it called Blue Moon? In 1883 the volcano Krakatoa erupted and the dust in the air acted as a “filter” turning sunsets and the moon green and blue. Nasa believes that’s what started the “Blue Moon”. 

When did Halloween start?

Halloween is celebrated every October 31st. We all enjoy the tradition but many of us are not sure how it started. This tradition originated with the ancient Celtic festival called Samhain. The Celts celebrated the new year every November 1st. The Celts believed that on the eve of the new year, the boundary between the world of the living and the dead becomes blurry, and the ghosts of the dead return to earth. When the Romans conquered the Celts, they combined Roman festivals with the Celts as a form of assimilation. An example would be the Feralia. It is a Roman tradition normally celebrated every late October to remember the dead.

Later, Catholicism spread around Europe. Pope Gregory III moved All Saint’s Day and the remembrance of dead martyrs from May 13 to November 1. Then around 1000 A.D., the church made November 2 All Soul’s Day. This is an attempt of the Catholic church to replace Samhain with a church-sanctioned holiday. But All Soul’s Day is celebrated very similar to Samhain. There were bonfires, parades, and costumes. All Saint’s Day is known in old English as All-Hallowmas. So the night before All Saint’s Day began to be called All-Hallows Eve the eventually, Halloween.

In the US, Halloween was not greatly celebrated before as Protestant belief was prevalent back then. All European traditions are limited to the southern colonies. The first celebrations included “play parties” to celebrate the harvest and neighbors also tell scary stories to children. By the middle of the 19th century, a wave of European immigrants flooded America. The immigrants popularized the celebration of Halloween in the US. 


As the people started to celebrate Halloween, children would go to houses asking for food with costumes. This activity became what we know today as “trick-or-treat”.

In the late 1800s, there was a wave of sentiment to make Halloween more of a family or community holiday. In fact, newspapers back then encourage parents to take anything scary or frightening out of the Halloween celebrations. Then little by little, the religious and dark connotations about Halloween started to fade. Nowadays, we celebrate Halloween with creative costumes, partying, and celebrating it as a community. 

How to celebrate Halloween 2020 at home

With the current situation and many gathering restrictions, some of these traditions have to be changed. But that doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate this fun holiday! Here are some tips to help you get creative and still make it a fun time with friends and family this Halloween 2020:

Carve pumpkins. This is a classic Halloween activity that surely fits our “new normal”. Make it even more fun by hosting a contest, the best pumpkin will get a prize! 

Make a CBD infused cocktail.  CBD can be a great addition to any Halloween cocktail recipes, especially if you get scared very easily! That will definitely help you with the scary customs and ghost stories 🙂

Decorate the house. Halloween decoration also gives our homes a welcome to fall. Use pumpkins, scary elements, and candles. 

Ghosting. Make a bag of Halloween goodies. Drop it off at a friend or neighbor’s house with a message to do the same to someone else. This is a trend this year and perfect for social distancing.   

Make a spooky snack. Take advantage of the opportunity to spend time with your kids and family. Create Halloween themed cookies and cakes that will surely bring a fun family time!

Scary movie marathon. Many of us love to chill and watch Netflix. So a scary movie marathon sounds just like the perfect plan for Halloween 2020. If you are not a big fan of scary movies you can always make it a challenge, but make sure not to do it by yourself! 


Happy Halloween!


All information contained in this article is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Always consult a physician or a qualified healthcare provider for any questions regarding your health and well-being.

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